

学生時代は医療の道を志し一度は就職するも、海外滞在中、ジャズの即興性に魅了され本格的に音楽の道を志す。帰国後、札幌市内のSessionへの 参加をきっかけにJazzへ傾倒。札幌にて自身のBandで活動後、NewYorkへ単身渡米。現地でのライブ活動やセッション、レッスン、Barry Harris氏のWorkshop等を経て、帰国後は活動拠点を東京へ移し札幌と東京にてライヴハウスやJazzBar、 イベント等で活動する。  

その後、2011−2012年に再渡米し、Lisa Thorson & Bob stoloff (Berklee音楽大学), そしてChristine Correa(Columbia大学)‎に師事。歴史的なJazzプログラム「Jazz in July」では 奨学金を獲得し、Sheila Jordanの指導のもとアメリカでのパフォーマンスを成功させる。 帰国後、東京に拠点を置き、都内はもちろん国内ツアー等、精力的に活動を展開中。 2015年、ギタリスト助川太郎プロデュースでミニアルバム「Night Walk」を制作。 2018年には自身初となる渾身のリーダーアルバム「September in the Rain」を全国発売。 Amazon、iTunes、Apple musicやSpotify等でも配信中。


Miho began her career as a medical practicioner after graduating University, before she started to get into Jazz music. As it happens, her first experience with Jazz was when she was abroad studying in Sydney, Australia. After that she was hooked, and decided to move to New York with a now uncontrollable passion for Jazz. She started to seriously study Jazz music and theory, kicking off her career as a Jazz vocalist in the USA. Miho studied and trained with Sheila Jordan, Jay Clayton, Bob Stoloff, Lisa Thorson (Berklee College of Music) and Christine Correa‎ (Columbia University). She was also granted a scholarship from the remarkable jazz program, "Jazz in July", performing that July 2012 in University of Massachusetts.
She is now based in her native Japan, in the beating heart of Tokyo, actively performing on many of the city's jazz stages and on tour throughout Japan. Miho Jonishi released her first album September in the rain in 2018. Now you can reach her music on iTunes/Spotify. And her works was selected support program for arts and culture by Tokyo Metropolitan Government in 2020.

